About me

My name is Bart Amin and I am a data scientist. Throughout my psychology research master in Methodology & Statistics (Behavioural Data Science) at the University of Amsterdam, I gained extensive experience in, (bayesian) statistical inference, machine learning, statistical forecasting, and programming. During my time as a visiting student at Harvard University, I had the privilege of learning the fundamentals of methodology under the guidance of some of the brightest minds I’ve met.

I believe a skilled data scientist combines two important abilities. First, they can accurately translate a practical problem into a well-defined statistical question, with knowledge of the data and models required for an insightful analysis. Second, they can transform analytical results into actionable insights that have direct, real-world applicability.

Projects & Blog

PvdA Election Forecast

*Disclaimer: The values and predictions presented in this blog post are entirely random and do not reflect actual findings. Additionally, this project was developed independently out

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Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals (CIs) are a powerful and elegant way to quantify uncertainty in estimates. Instead of providing a single-point estimate—such as an average sales increase

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Advanced Clustering Algorithms

Clustering is a popular (unsupervised) technique in data science, widely used for discovering hidden patterns in data without having prior understanding of what such patterns

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